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Business Improvement District

The East Spokane Business Association (ESBA) has been a positive force in improving East Sprague as a safe and economically vital neighborhood for businesses, residents, and visitors. ESBA, with the support of the City of Spokane, implemented a BID (Business Improvement District) that will take our recent streetscape improvements and continue to maintain our unique streetscape and walkable streets based on the Main Street model, beautification, and branding.

A business improvement district (BID) is a special assessment district established to maintain and enhance a business district, building a positive reputation that attracts businesses, employees, and visitors. Designed as a self-help mechanism, property owners come together to fund programs that create a consistent and inviting environment. The Sprague Union District BID is the primary funding vehicle for community and economic development, including cleaning, branding, and beautification.

Clean & Green efforts including district cleanliness, graffiti removal, trash collection, and landscaping.

Neighborhood Beautification, including signage, street tree maintenance, decorative lighting, and streetscape amenities

District Branding & Marketing, including promotion, advertising, website maintenance, and event assistance

Safety & Security, including advocacy for increased patrols, crime prevention through design, exploration of security measures and services

Local Control

A district ratepayer board made up of East Sprague ratepayers guides all elements of the BID program.

Administration to manage contracting, volunteer coordination, and reporting

Contingency Reserve for unanticipated events or district maintenance needs

The City of Spokane is partnering with the BID to provide:

  • On-going maintenance & repair of district irrigation systems
  • Payment of district irrigation system water
  • Installation, maintenance, repair & replacement of streetlights
  • Alley lighting
  • Maintenance of swales and storm water infrastructure.

The BID does not result in reduced levels of City services.