As your Treasurer, it is my job to see that the books are prepared, income is received and accounted for, bills are paid, and tax returns filed. I have a fiduciary responsibility to both the Business Improvement District (BID) and East Spokane Business Association (ESBA). We maintain separate bank accounts and accounting for each.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, ESBA was not able to have our major fundraiser, our Annual Dinner, this Fall. Fortunately, ESBA has sufficient funds to operate this year from membership dues and savings. We are ending 2020 with some $29,000 in our bank account. Thank you for your membership!
The BID receives its funds from City of Spokane, which in turn is collected from the business owners located within the BID boundaries. It is the policy of the BID Board to spend the funds collected each year on the needs of the BID district. For information on what BID is currently funding, please see the BID President’s column in this newsletter.
If you should have any questions about our two organizations finances, feel free to contact me.