by Larry Stone – ESBA Treasurer
As Spring approaches, the East Spokane Business Association starts to think about the Fall! Because, in the Fall, we have our great fundraiser, the Ninth ESBA Annual Dinner.
At this point, we are accepting corporate sponsorships. If you would like to sponsor or an organization you know would like to sponsor, please contact Nick Czapla via email or Nick’s direct line is 343-9003.
Soon, the ESBA Board will be picking a charity to raise funds for. If you have suggestions, please write to me. Also, we will be honoring individuals selected by your Board who are doing great things for the East Spokane Neighborhood or the greater Spokane area.
It has been a long journey through the coronavirus pandemic. Because of the pandemic, we canceled our ESBA Annual dinner in 2020. We are very excited to resume this important tradition in 2021!