Since the pandemic began last March, it seems like ages since we have seen one another. 2020 has given us a new understanding of how we depend on each other and how we are all connected. ESBA membership continued to hold meetings via Zoom, and the Executive team continued to meet monthly to address various issues concerning our members and our district. ESBA has worked throughout 2020 on:
- Addressing Our Homeless / Vagrant Population Solutions
- Connections to North Corridor Freeway
- Altamont Freeway Turn Lanes
- McKinley School Project
- GSI – COVID Cares Promotional Campaign ($20,717 Marketing Grant)
- Increasing Membership
- 2021 After Hours Dinner
- Repurpose CSO Tank Surface (behind Zips)
- Meeting with our Mayor and Council Members (via zoom)
- Manage our BID obligations
- Work with U District Sprague Completion and On Street Parking Issues
We know that all of you struggled to keep your doors open, keep you and your employees safe, and your business accessible throughout this year. It has not been easy. The ESBA Executive Team applauds your flexibility, innovation, and resolve! We are proud that our businesses have been a vital part of the COVID-19 recovery process. Well Done!