The Business Improvement District (BID) continued to maintain the neighborhood throughout 2020. During the fourth quarter, we improved our safety with posters and with various news outlets. We also enlisted the cooperation of the Spokane Police Department.

Even though our events were canceled, we had more garbage to pick up than in previous years. Borderlands continued to clean, trim, weed, and monitor the neighborhood weekly or biweekly during the winter months.

We notified the City regarding a missing light standard at Madelia and Sprague, which is now on order to be installed. We have snow plowed and deiced twice (so far) with the mild winter. The season decorations are all up where there is power working, making for a pleasant night time drive on East Sprague.

PBID (BID) 2021 Budget

The Business Improvement District (BID) is funded solely from annual special assessments paid by ratepayers within the East Sprague PBIA. Revenues are generated based on tax assessed property value and lot square footage, as outlined in the special assessment matrix below. Annual Revenue has remained relatively static since the BID was formed in 2016; a small increase in revenue has been realized in 2019 due to increased property values and an increase to the lot square foot rate based on the change in the consumer price index since the first assessment year. In 2020 COVID-19 has presented a challenge to businesses in our district. Our projected revenue has dropped 25%. However, we have been committed to delivering our services and programs without interruption.