Benefits of joining ESBA

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Business Exposure

The East Spokane Business Association (ESBA) has the largest membership of all of the recognized business associations in The City of Spokane. Our boundaries overlay the East Central Neighborhood. Our district is located in the center of the ESBA boundaries. This area offers many historic buildings. This character is a draw for new businesses and customers looking for an unique experience.

Business Support

ESBA is very much a family of businesses, a reflection of the community image. The personal and financial investments being made in the neighborhood lead to great civic involvement and, in turn, instill great pride in the businesses. Businesses that join ESBA will find a strong welcoming business group. The invaluable resource of congregating with people who have been through all phases of business ownership and will answer questions and alleviate fears about all the tasks associated with business ownership.

Business Watch

East Spokane business owners work together to protect our investment in our community through our Business Watch program. Together we take on problems which no single business can overcome, such as graffiti and other forms of vandalism. Sharing information and knowing how to contact each other helps us all protect what it ours.


Our association has an established online presence. As ESBA members, all businesses are listed on the website with links to each business. ESBA members are first to be notified of upcoming events. The chance for exposure beyond the District is extensive and membership ensures continued connections outside the ESBA boundaries.